(Originally posted at old blog, Seeking For Truth)
This is my very first blog. I am excited to learn all about how I can communicate with people from all over the world. As I learn how to add things to the blog, there will be many interesting things I can share, and opportunities to learn from those who communicate with me.
I guess I'll begin with telling a little about myself and why learning is so important to me.
I have been happily married for 47 years. We have 6 children and 8 grandchildren. My husband is a retired Judge. Most of our lives we spent in Long Beach California.
Our lives have been full of joy and adventure. For example, in June of this year, my husband and I returned from the last of our teaching experiences in China. We taught at universities in Xi'an, Beijing and Wuxi China, for a total of 3 and a half years. At first I was terrified, as I have never been a professional teacher. I do have a Master's degree in religion from Vanguard University and a Certificate in Archaeology from UCLA, but I just went to school because I love learning, and was a stay at home mom while our children were home. I started going back to school when they were all in school.
About 25 years ago, as part of my Masters program, I was able to participate in an archaeological dig at Tel Dan in Israel. We dug for 6 weeks, and found many exciting things. Then we were able to travel to Egypt, Greece and Jordan for several weeks.
My husband Jim deserves the Husband of the Century award for staying home with the children while I went off on that extraordinary adventure.
I love the Hebrew language, and can read the Bible and speak a little.
My love for the Book of Mormon has also sparked an interest is Meso-American archaeology. So I have attended the Texas Meetings of the Maya Workshops, and have taken classes in Mayan Heiroglyphics and traveled to Mexico and Guatemala to see the ancient ruins.
One of our sons married a Cambodian, and we were able to travel there to witness the Marriage. While there we also visited Thailand and Hong Kong.
My husband and I love to travel, and it is so fun to learn about other cultures and beliefs.
My family has found great joy through living the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Through much study, and prayer, and experience in living the principles taught in the church , we have been helped through all the everyday challenges of life.
I know that there is a loving God who is our Heavenly Father, and that he has a great plan of happiness. Our family has experienced many miracles and answered prayers, and tender mercies over the years. Although some believe that Mormons are not Christian, nothing could be further from the truth. We know and Love our Savior Jesus Christ and believe that it is only through his atoning sacrifice that we can be saved.
As soon as possible I will learn how to add links to very interesting sites that can be explored by those interested in learning more. As I said, this is my first attempt at blogging, and I have a lot to learn.
With so much to learn about so many things, life is an exciting adventure.
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